Welcome to Cumbe's Web!

This is web of test for Getsimple and my plugins:    
  • Menu Parent Child, by example: Rice
  • Translate Publication Date
  • Contact Form
  • Guestbook
  • Pages and comments: this is my last plugin that i've uploaded to extend. With this plugin is very easy to put comments in a page; allows work with users in comments using Front end user plugin of mikeh. In this page you can see like works in Page with Users.
  • Pages and blog beta: this is my last plugin that I'm working. With this plugin is very easy to create blogs with pages of getsimple. Still it is a beta version, but works.
  • Cookies plugin: The plugin writes a message in the page of the web for to accept cookies. If cookie is accepted then it creates a cookie in browser. More information in extend.
  • Display error: you can see, delete,... the errors log of getsimple, and 404 errors.

A Summary of Cumbe.

    I am not a professional developer; It is a hobby for me. I am self-taught and enjoy programming. I started playing with pc 30 years ago. I have good memories of CP/M, Unix, MSDOS, VB...I have still kept the first computer with i worked (Xerox 820II), although I remember other before like zx spectrum, commodore64, and my dear programmable calculators Casio.

     I only want to offer my work for all who need it. With Getsimple is the first time that  I publish something which can serve to someone. I have done things to joomla, but ever always privately for friends. Since i  knew Getsimple I don't use other CMS, because I love Getsimple.

     Although I am 48 years old, every day I learn new things related to programming and from here I want to thanks to developers of Getsimple for their great job.

     If  you want you can write a comment!!!


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Published on 12.01.2016 10:42:42
Hola, this is D.O. from GS community.
Great Work, bro!
Published on 17.08.2015 08:44:10, from Italy
Thanks so much for your work on cookie... and your stile of working... I completely agree with you. Always learning!
Published on 27.07.2015 14:45:15, from Italy
I can't get the comments to work on either my development site nor on my production sites. I tried it with News Manager (updated) and with GS Blog. If someone can help me, you will find the details in the support forum for the plugin. Thanks.
Published on 30.05.2015 09:35:47, from Planet Earth
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