Welcome to Cumbe's Web!

This is web of test for Getsimple and my plugins:    
  • Menu Parent Child, by example: Rice
  • Translate Publication Date
  • Contact Form
  • Guestbook
  • Pages and comments: this is my last plugin that i've uploaded to extend. With this plugin is very easy to put comments in a page; allows work with users in comments using Front end user plugin of mikeh. In this page you can see like works in Page with Users.
  • Pages and blog beta: this is my last plugin that I'm working. With this plugin is very easy to create blogs with pages of getsimple. Still it is a beta version, but works.
  • Cookies plugin: The plugin writes a message in the page of the web for to accept cookies. If cookie is accepted then it creates a cookie in browser. More information in extend.
  • Display error: you can see, delete,... the errors log of getsimple, and 404 errors.

A Summary of Cumbe.

    I am not a professional developer; It is a hobby for me. I am self-taught and enjoy programming. I started playing with pc 30 years ago. I have good memories of CP/M, Unix, MSDOS, VB...I have still kept the first computer with i worked (Xerox 820II), although I remember other before like zx spectrum, commodore64, and my dear programmable calculators Casio.

     I only want to offer my work for all who need it. With Getsimple is the first time that  I publish something which can serve to someone. I have done things to joomla, but ever always privately for friends. Since i  knew Getsimple I don't use other CMS, because I love Getsimple.

     Although I am 48 years old, every day I learn new things related to programming and from here I want to thanks to developers of Getsimple for their great job.

     If  you want you can write a comment!!!


nice job[icon_smile]bueno trabalho
Published on 21.08.2012 17:06:35
44 years old? A Kid! You are making good stuff, mate... and remember: The old wine is always the best!
Published on 21.07.2012 20:10:20
 web tasarım
cool, light wight choose..
Published on 24.05.2012 00:07:49, from Ankara
Спасибо! Отличный плагин. Буду пользоваться.[br] Мой сайт на Get Simple
Published on 12.05.2012 04:16:43, from Эраунд зэ Русия
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