
Pages & Blog

It is my new plugin; it is still a beta version. Test if you want, it is easy of use.

You can create a page with style of blog, using pages of getsimple. Whit this plugin, it is very easy create templates, and choose for the groups.


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1) Unzip in folder plugins.

2) In admin > pages > pages & blog: system manager of plugin.

3) In settings you can select:

      - the language, in this moment only there is one file, en_US.php

      - and if you want the system automatic group: the page will be automatically added to a group if in "Tags & keywords" of page options of admin has a tag like: _pbgroup:yougroup

      - Choose if you want a format of list by months like only a list of :

             * List of title of pages more content: view in sidebar Archives. When you have click in a month, the pages iniside of this month is showed like a blog. This blog is set in group of blog 'tmp'. To see at end the tag 'Important'.

             * or  List of title of pages: view in sidebar Categories. When you have click in a coategorie, it is expanded and we see a list of page inside of this categorie.

      - Choose if you want a format of list by categories like only a list of : List of title of pages, or  List of title of pages more content.

4) Create groups, and configures the groups created, choose caption of group, template, order, addthis system, numbers of pages in the list,...

I have left 4 templates: style default, style box, style blog and style news, like examples. It is easy to create one.

5) Add pages to system blog, and configures this pages. Choose number de characters, group, tags, categories, image,...

6) If you want to see a list of page, you must:

    - to write: < ? php ls_pagesblg('yougroupcreated'); ? > in a template

   - or to write the following shortcode in the content of page (remove / between ( and % ):

(/% pagesblog group=yougroupcreated %)

7) There 3 functions that allowing to do list by categories, by month-year of publication, by tags.

    - For doing a list by categories in sidebar, create a component, by example: 'list_categories', and write the following:

            < h4 id="listcatgr_title">Categories:< /h4>
            < ?php pb_list_categories(true); ? >

after, in a sidebar of template call to component: < ?php get_component('list_categories'); ? >

    If you want put the list of categories in a content of page use the shortcode ( remove / between ( and %):

   (/% pagesblog pb_list_categories %)

 - For doing a list by month-year, create a component, by example: 'list_month', and write the following:

            < h4 id="listmonth_title">Archives:< /h4>
            < ?php pb_list_month(true); ? >

after, in a sidebar of template call to component: < ?php get_component('list_month'); ? >

If you want put the list of month in a content of page use the shortcode(remove / between ( and %):

(/% pagesblog pb_list_month %)

The language of months is in "plugins/pages_blog/lang/en_US.php"; if you create one file of lang, remember that you must choose the language in settings of pages & blog.

- For doing a list of tags, create a component, by example: 'list_tags', and write the following:

            < h4 id="listtag_title">Tags:< /h4>
            < ?php pb_list_tags(true); ? >

after, in a sidebar of template call to component: < ?php get_component('list_tags'); ? >

                                  --- IMPORTANT ---

For link tags, groups or categories it is necessary:
           - to create a page of getsimple called 'tmp', and in content write(remove / between ( and %):
                    (/% pagesblog group=tmp %)
           - to create a group in pages > pages_blog > group> add group, called 'tmp', customize the group like you want.

Always, if the function 'pb_list_...' is called in a sidebar, pass the parameter 'true' inside the function. If it is called in a content of page or in a template it is not necessary.


bit a bit more instructions.

You can to do a question or comments if you want...

Все получилось.
Published on 25.08.2014 13:25:24
Я тестирую плагин на русском.
Published on 25.08.2014 13:24:36
u can explain how to user cbcontact?
Published on 12.12.2013 16:20:03
 tim w
Hi cumbe, I was trying this plugin again today to make an events page. Are you still working on it? There is much that is good in it. My site is still beta, the page is here:
Published on 27.09.2013 15:51:41, from Somerset
Expensive time of day, all of this error in the plugin pages & blog has created several categories but displays only one who knows how to win? And in the archive list is created year 1970 sad, everything else works fine. Set all on the manual, it can not do something or need a place to add plug-in beta understand. For earlier thanks.
Published on 21.07.2013 12:48:48
whether in the form of contacts when you register and login to leave the field Name, so that you can write the names in Russian
Published on 24.03.2013 18:21:51
hello, quickly tested your plugin, all is well, only in the side bar with the Russian language problem category in Russian and does not show the date of 1970 prints
Published on 24.03.2013 18:16:31, from
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